Sunday, August 28, 2016

Iceland Day 6: West Iceland

On our last full day in Iceland, we made our way from Akureyri, the major city in the North, back towards Reykjavik. It was a long driving day, requiring a total of around 5-6 hours so we only really stopped at Hraunfossar, a waterfall on our way to Reykjavik. However the day was not without Iceland's usual breathtaking views. It was a bittersweet journey, knowing that the amazing views we saw were some of our last. A week is far too short a time to discover all of Iceland's treasures, but it was enough time for me to fall in love with this country, hard. All that kept me from tearing up, reliving the trip through these posts, was the promise that one day I'll come back. There's a magic about Iceland, in its untouched lands and endless beauty. Some of the experiences were so incredibly breathtaking that all the time in the world didn't seem like enough time to fully let the feeling sink in. It was an unforgettable trip and I cannot wait to return. Until next time.
On the road. 

This picture doesn't do this view justice. One of the most breathtaking moments on the trip. The clouds were breaking up, with patches of sunlight streaming onto a patchwork of fields and farmland. The backdrop is a chain of dark hills, enveloped in clouds. It's one of the few moments where the experience was almost religious; it is almost impossible to believe that a scene this magical and gorgeous wasn't made by some higher power.

A quick stop on the side of the road to stretch our legs. Of course everywhere in Iceland, even a random road stop results in a waterfall, a gurgling river, and a beautiful sight.

Hraunfossar is not the most popular tourist destination in Iceland but it was certainly not without its own beauty. This series of rivulets stems from water under the earth, coming from lava fields nearby. the little creeks appear from the rock itself, and end in a magnificent, roaring river.

Nearby is Barnafoss, a powerful, raging waterfall with a small and tasteful bridge of stone connecting the two sides.

Our last evening in Iceland, relaxing in our hotel's outdoor hot tub. It certainly doesn't compare to the natural hot springs, but it seemed fitting end our trip with water, enjoying the mountain view.

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