Sunday, August 28, 2016

Iceland Day 2: The Golden Circle

The Golden Circle is a series of landmarks near Reykjavik, comprised of Thingvellir National Park, the Geysir hot springs, and Gulfoss. It is a great introduction to the cultural and environmental history of Iceland. It took roughly 8 hours total, though the driving time from start to finish is only around 2 hours.

Thingvellir National Park, where the Norse settlers held Parliament since 800 AD and discuss the future of the country

 Thingvellir Park is home to two tectonic plates still drifting away, allowing you to walk between America and Eurasia.

It's also gorgeous with its greenery and rocky landscape, and incredibly tranquil and therapeutic just being there.

Next stop: Geysir! You can see the multitude of small hot springs all over the park.

This is Strokkur in the middle of an eruption. It goes off without fail every 8-10 minutes. I managed to be startled every time, despite staying for 3 eruptions.

Last stop: Gulfoss. It means "Golden Falls", and certainly set the waterfall bar high as our first major waterfall in Iceland.

Gulfoss from above. Words cannot describe the power and beauty of this waterfall, and this country.

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