Sunday, August 28, 2016

Iceland Day 1: Reykjavik

We took the first day to tour the capital city, Reykjavik, and the Blue Lagoon. Little did we know, Reykjavik was the first and last major city we would explore. Iceland as a whole is so untouched, undeveloped and comprised of raw and undisturbed nature, that its capital city probably hosts the majority of the country's population. It's a quaint, typical European city with small but comfortable and cozy buildings, littered with cafes and small restaurants.

Our hotel here had the BEST breakfasts. Whole grain bread, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers, hard boiled eggs, sharp cheese, and salty salami. Also, Iceland butter is the best I've ever had. Wholesome, incredibly creamy and flavorful, and so smooth.
I can't believe it's butter! (And not Icelandic crack.)

Reykjavik is right by the ocean, and we were blessed with a sunny day. The air was a little chilly but crisp and fresh, and the salty breeze was a nice welcome.

The Sun Voyager sculpture, an ode to the sun.

Hallgrimskirkja church, designed to mimic the basalt lava columns of Iceland's cliffs.

At the Blue Lagoon. We enjoyed the complimentary face masks, and the mineral-rich waters actually did wonders for my calloused feet.

The waters were deliciously warm, which contrasted nicely with Iceland's consist 50 degrees F. 

We ended the day with a delicious dinner at the Lava restaurant at the Blue Lagoon. Here is my INCREDIBLY tender steak with hearty mushroom sauce and crisp french fries. Also pictured is a very modern and delicious Hollandaise foam.

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