Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I may actually be the shittiest blogger in existence.

That said. Last night I had a thought: love is when you know that regardless of whether or not you send him a birthday present, you know that he'll still love every inch of you. And knowing that, you still want to make him the best birthday present ever.

Unlike other bloggers I know, I don't usually have these existentialist, philosophical, naturalist, (insert twelve more fancy philosophy states of minds terms) rants that are interesting and pretty impressive. My thoughts revolve mainly around how dreary it is in Ithaca, trying not to fail at the career I'm pursuing, what my next meal will be, etc etc.

Maybe I'll grow to think more eventually. Although I will be thinking a lot about how we think this semester. I'm pretty excited for my psych class, and less so for my neurobio class. I need to shower.

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